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Directed the federal government's emergency operation of the bankrupt Rock Island Railroad, restoring service to shippers while developing financially sound, long-term, private-sector solutions.
Developed and implemented the Port of Houston Authority's first comprehensive railroad service improvement action plan, creating a new framework for the Port Authority's relationship with its serving railroads.
Directed federal policy development on railroad safety, the privatization of Conrail, the reduction in Amtrak subsidies, the $2.5 billion reconstruction of the high-speed rail corridor between Washington and New York, and state grant and loan programs.
Testified before Congressional committees on transportation policy issues, including Amtrak route restructuring, Conrail, and the northeast high-speed rail corridor.
Developed the first federal regulations permitting contract railroad rates following deregulation, opening new marketing opportunities for railroads and lowering rates for shippers.
Changed federal railroad air brake safety rules to reflect improvements in technology.
Evaluated the effectiveness of railroad service provided in Canada's eastern provinces, leading to changes in service design.
Developed Burlington Northern Railroad's strategic plans immediately following railroad deregulation, better positioning BN competitively by strengthening its marketing capabilities and elevating the role of marketing in the company.
Evaluated for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority the adequacy of the railroad commuter service provided by its railroad contractor, leading to service improvements.