Railroad Crossings


Dick Schiefelbein
Railroad Negotiations
Strategic Policy Development
Expert Witness
Planning and Analysis
Labor Relations
Railroad Quiet Zones
Railroad Crossings
Policy Advice

Houston Area Railroad Crossing Study

Prepared an inventory of all public railroad crossings in Harris County and a portion of Fort Bend County, Texas to understand the impact of railroad crossings on regional mobility.

The crossing inventory data helps identify the priority crossings for crossing protection improvement, closure, or construction of bridges and underpasses to improve safety and mobility.

For each of the 752 railroad crossings, the inventory includes:

bulletStreet name, number of roadway lanes, daily roadway traffic
bulletLatitude and longitude of the crossing
bulletCrossing surface, crossing protection
bulletOperating railroad, railroad division and subdivision, milepost
bulletNumber of tracks, daily number of trains,  train speed, train length
bulletCrossing accident history
bulletNumber of minutes crossing is blocked by trains each day
bulletTotal daily vehicle-minutes of delay to roadway traffic at the crossing

The inventory was presented in GIS (Geographic Information System) format to allow combination with other geographic data presented in map format, such as roadways, municipalities, local zoning, schools, city council districts.

To view the report, click here. (The report is large - 70Mb - and will take a while to download from the Harris County web site.)