Dick Schiefelbein


Dick Schiefelbein
Railroad Negotiations
Strategic Policy Development
Expert Witness
Planning and Analysis
Labor Relations
Railroad Quiet Zones
Railroad Crossings
Policy Advice

Dick Schiefelbein founded Woodharbor Associates to develop and implement solutions to transportation strategy, policy and planning issues. Woodharbor Associates is uniquely positioned to address strategic transportation issues, particularly those involving the interface between the public and private sectors. 

A former Deputy Federal Railroad Administrator, Dick also held executive positions in strategic planning, labor relations, and finance with Burlington Northern Railroad, and led a special office of the Interstate Commerce Commission in resolving the northeastern railroad bankruptcies. 

With executive experience in both government and private corporations, Dick brings a broad perspective to strategic issues and has special expertise in facilitating joint public-private sector solutions.

Dick holds a BS degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Illinois and an MBA degree from the University of Dallas.